Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Christ in Community

          In my public vocation as a pastor, I’m privileged to do many things on behalf of the church. One of my favorites is leading the blessing rite in worship. Our congregation has the tradition of blessing and honoring the high school seniors. This past Sunday, as part of our “Youth Sunday” we blessed two young men graduating from high school.
          The rite began with a reminder of this milestone in life and that their community of faith wished to show their support as fellow believers in Jesus Christ. Then we heard words from scripture read by two other high school students. As the leader, I addressed the graduates to let them know we celebrate with them and to remind them that we will pray for them during this transition in life. Then we prayed for God’s guidance and for the Holy Spirit to go with them into the future. I asked the community if they would promise to keep the graduates and their families in their prayers and to help the graduates as need and opportunity arise. They responded with “we will.”
          In our baptismal rite, the congregation also made a similar promise “do you promise to support and pray for them in their new life in Christ?” The blessing of graduates is an opportunity to be reminded that we are a community of faith, bonded together as God’s children, no matter what our age. The blessing of graduates’ rite ends with the best part, speaking a blessing upon the graduates:

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May the Lord watch over you and keep you safe.
May the Lord guide your every step.
May you always know of our unending love for you.

          I have only been a pastor for two years but both times I've led this rite, my voice has cracked and the emotion has arose in me at the words, “May you always know of our unending love for you.” I think it’s because these words match so closely to the authentic Christian Community that is present in Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Knoxville, Iowa. I fight back tears saying these words because I have seen this community embrace people with a loving “welcome home” mentality not a “where have you been?” condemnation.
          As we near the end of the season of Easter and approach Pentecost Sunday, I am reminded that through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ we have an embodied faith. That we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit so we, in our lives, may also embody the faith. 1 John 1:1 reads, “We declare to you what was from the beginning, what we have heard, what we have seen with our eyes, what we have looked at and touched with our hands, concerning the word of life.”
          As my worship professor stated numerous times, “God calls us individually into community.” Authentic Christian communities embody the faith and through the encouraging words, the hand shakes and pats on the back, and the weekly gathering at the table sharing bread and wine, the very presence of Christ is made known. Just like the travelers on the Road to Emmaus, some youth may not recognize Christ in their midst but someday they will look back and recognize that Christ was there truly present in the authentic Christian community of their youth.

          In what ways do you experience Christ in community?

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